Sunday, December 23, 2012

Ketchup with us #8

I am a bit late to the party, but better late then never right? (I know the deadline for submitting has passed)

I started this post on the 16th, but I was "enjoying" my last week of maternity leave. (more like going crazy to finish my shopping and other holiday madness.)

This time Michele & Mel have asked us to share a family holiday tradition. 

In 57 words or less, tell about one of your family's holiday traditions. (NOTE: I didn't say you had to LIKE the tradition.)

As a kid my cousins and I always did a Living Nativity on Christmas afternoon. Each year it was the same argument. Why did Joey always get to be Joseph  and who got to be Mary, Becky (the oldest,) or Me (the best actress). No matter who got to be what it always ended in tears.


Saturday, December 1, 2012

Ketchup With Us #7

This time around we have been challenged to share a favorite Holiday recipe, no word limit this time!

When I think of Christmas I think of lefse, lutefisk, and my Grandma Andy's Meatballs. Two of the three things invoke good memories. (See this post Ketchup with Us #6 to see which of those 3 I dread.) Grandma Andy also had an aversion to fish and would tell me she made the meatballs for us, but I know they were for everyone. She passed away when I was 13 years old, but the meatballs have remained on our the Christmas menu. Thank you to my Dad for allowing me to share the recipe with all of you.

Mom's Meatballs
Meatballs:                                                           Gravy:
1 lb. ground beef                                                1/4 c. flour
1/2 lb. ground pork                                           1 tsp. paprika
1/2 c. onions                                                       1/2 tsp. salt
3/4 c. fine bread crumbs (croutons)               1/8 tsp. pepper
1 T. parsley                                                         3/4 c. sour cream to be added 20 minutes
1 1/2 tsp. salt                                                      before serving
1/8 tsp. pepper
1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
1/2 c. milk

Mix meatball ingredients well, shape into balls the size of walnuts,
brown in 1/4 c. oil
Mix gravy ingredients with meat drippings and 2 cups boiling
Cook in crock pot for 4 hours, add 3/4 c sour cream 20 minutes
before serving


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Ketchup with Us #6

After a break to be miserable and then have a baby and rediscover sleep. I am returning to blogging with this Ketchup prompt. 

This time they have challenged us to share what we are Not thankful for in 57 words or less. And with that thought I am very NOT Thankful for my....

Food Allergies.

I would love to be able to eat whatever I want without having to
 wonder if what I am about to eat is going to make me sick.
Or potentially kill me. 
Seafood. Fish. 
It is crazy how many places you are secretly hiding in.


Thursday, September 20, 2012

The 1st Month of Kindergarten

Today marks one month since my I became the mom of a Kindergartner. So here's a look back at the 1st day. You can not tell by his face but he is super excited for school to start, this look is really his "annoyed that mom is trying to take my picture" look. (or maybe it was "why is my mom bawling like a baby"?)  

Tonight I sat down with the little man and got the low down of his likes and dislikes of  Kindergarten so far.

Favorite in class subjects are Math & Academic Centers; least favorites are writing, calendar time & rest time (the kid gave up all naps at 2 years old)

Favorite Academic Centers are Kitchen & Art Center (more specifically the "Pete the Cat" project); least favorites the Lego & Sand tables (both surprised me to be honest....)

Favorite "Special" classes PE, Dance, Music & Drama (he goes to an A+ school); least favorites Library (he likes checking at books but not the sitting & listening part) & Art.

Favorite School lunches Chicken Nuggets & Hot Dog; least favorites Cheese pizza & Spaghetti. (the comical thing is the least favorites are 2 of his favorite foods and the 2 meals that he looked forward to the most)

Best Friends: Kellar, Jonathan, Sierra, Maya, Avery, Ashton & Becca. Not-so-Best Friends: Isabel, Laura (he sits between these 2 girls at table) & Jacob. (because his breath stinks)

Hope to share more stories of Kindergarten, but there was an overview of month one.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Ketchup with Us #2: Childhood Crush

It is time again to "Ketchup with Us" This week Mel & Michele gave us the following prompt.

Tell us in 57 words or less about your biggest celebrity crush from childhood. Or, you know, now. Either way.

David Osmond
 Dreamy. Those perfect teeth. Inspirational. Talented. (my heart still flutters when I think of him....) Did I mention he is an Osmond? Oh and those ever so perfect teeth?
  Ketchup With Us

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Ketchup With Us #1

2 of my favorite bloggers Mel of and Michele of have joined forces and created a link up called "Ketchup With Us" on the 1st & 15th of each month they will post a writing prompt with a picture or video as the inspiration. 

The 1st prompt is:
Tell us in 57 words or less the best advice that you have ever received from someone older than you or that you admire.

"Step out of the box"

Those 5 words were ones I heard many times during my college years. My adviser, professor, friend and pseudo mom Kim preached these words to us on many an occasion.

It was not until the start of my Senior year that I really took those words to heart. As a theatre major I had been involved in many productions but I was technical theatre gal not an actress. But one thing I wanted to do before I graduated was to see my name on the cast list for a musical with a character name by it, not under the ensemble. Did I mention that I am not a singer or that the musical we were doing was "Damn Yankees." yeah. 

If you know "Damn Yankees" you know that there are very few female roles. Big task ahead of me. So I did what any reasonable senior would do. I joined the choir and took voice lessons. Both of which scared the crap out of me. 

Fast forward a few months to audition time. I got up sang my heart out, managed not to throw up or faint. My effort was rewarded. When I looked at "the list" I had a character name! I was cast as the Postmaster. Yes. She changed history and made me the postmaster in the 1950's. It was speaking role not a singing role but I didn't care. I was someone and my hard work was being rewarded.

Ketchup With Us

Here we go....

Wow. What I am I doing? I have never been a writer or a fan of writing. I am a reader. But I love telling stories. Recently many of my friends have started blogs as a way to preserve the memories of their growing little ones or to keep themselves accountable to obtaining a goal. Heck if they can do it so could I, right?

So here I sit. Rambling on. Welcome to the crazy ride that is my life and the Musings of a Midwest Mama.