Thursday, September 20, 2012

The 1st Month of Kindergarten

Today marks one month since my I became the mom of a Kindergartner. So here's a look back at the 1st day. You can not tell by his face but he is super excited for school to start, this look is really his "annoyed that mom is trying to take my picture" look. (or maybe it was "why is my mom bawling like a baby"?)  

Tonight I sat down with the little man and got the low down of his likes and dislikes of  Kindergarten so far.

Favorite in class subjects are Math & Academic Centers; least favorites are writing, calendar time & rest time (the kid gave up all naps at 2 years old)

Favorite Academic Centers are Kitchen & Art Center (more specifically the "Pete the Cat" project); least favorites the Lego & Sand tables (both surprised me to be honest....)

Favorite "Special" classes PE, Dance, Music & Drama (he goes to an A+ school); least favorites Library (he likes checking at books but not the sitting & listening part) & Art.

Favorite School lunches Chicken Nuggets & Hot Dog; least favorites Cheese pizza & Spaghetti. (the comical thing is the least favorites are 2 of his favorite foods and the 2 meals that he looked forward to the most)

Best Friends: Kellar, Jonathan, Sierra, Maya, Avery, Ashton & Becca. Not-so-Best Friends: Isabel, Laura (he sits between these 2 girls at table) & Jacob. (because his breath stinks)

Hope to share more stories of Kindergarten, but there was an overview of month one.