Saturday, April 20, 2013

Ketchup With Us #16

This time around the gals ( Michele & Mel ) of Ketchup With Us have asked us to share about a celebrity encounter. Not to brag I have had a few over my years. But what to write about? 
Meeting NKOTB in the grocery store? 
The Osmonds (minus Donny & Marie) in Branson? 
Seeing Ashton Kutcher sleeping on January Jones' parents couch? 
Masterclass with Robert Cohen? 
Having a "smoke" break with Jared Emmick? 

The above are all fun stories but the one that jumps out as best in this mommy's mind is her son's first Celebrity Encounter. 

He was 2 ½ years old, and he loved “The Imagination Movers”  
We had tickets their concert & by pure luck we were handed VIP passes after the show.  
3 ½ years later he is still a big fan & talks about this day like it was yesterday! 
Many thanks to the nicest men in the business.

In 57 words or less, tell us about a "celebrity encounter." 

(We'll let you interpret those terms however you like.) 

And, if you can, include a picture. 

Ketchup With


  1. Very cute. Our kids' little victories are always our greater. But seriously ... I need to hear more of the Ashton-Kutcher-sleeping-on-January-Jones'-parents'-couch story.

    What? :)

    Thanks for playing.

    1. January grew up in Sioux Falls, (where I live and grew up) they dated each other early on in their careers and were in Sioux Falls visiting her family. I was out with one of my college friends and we stopped by her friends house to get something. Unbeknownst to us we walked in to see Ashton taking a nap on the couch. Nothing too exciting.

      Other fun facts: Mary Hart was my uncle's kindergarten teacher & Pat O'Brien was confirmed with my mom.
