Saturday, April 20, 2013

Ketchup With Us #16

This time around the gals ( Michele & Mel ) of Ketchup With Us have asked us to share about a celebrity encounter. Not to brag I have had a few over my years. But what to write about? 
Meeting NKOTB in the grocery store? 
The Osmonds (minus Donny & Marie) in Branson? 
Seeing Ashton Kutcher sleeping on January Jones' parents couch? 
Masterclass with Robert Cohen? 
Having a "smoke" break with Jared Emmick? 

The above are all fun stories but the one that jumps out as best in this mommy's mind is her son's first Celebrity Encounter. 

He was 2 ½ years old, and he loved “The Imagination Movers”  
We had tickets their concert & by pure luck we were handed VIP passes after the show.  
3 ½ years later he is still a big fan & talks about this day like it was yesterday! 
Many thanks to the nicest men in the business.

In 57 words or less, tell us about a "celebrity encounter." 

(We'll let you interpret those terms however you like.) 

And, if you can, include a picture. 

Ketchup With

Friday, March 8, 2013

Ketchup with Us #13

Michele & Mel are at it again! This time they have asked us who shoes we would like to walk in for 1 day. Easy decision for me. This person has some super cute shoes, but luckily is not walking...yet. 
Yes folks, I would choose the ever so cute Lauren Kenley Marie.


In 57 words or less, tell us whose shoes you would 

like to walk in for a day.

Oh to be waited on hand and foot. 
Make a noise and have all who is around me at attention.
If I am bored with my surroundings I can go to sleep and no one will question it.
Hungry someone will feed you.
Dirty and they will change you.

Ketchup With Us

Monday, February 4, 2013

Ketchup With Us #11

To gear up for Valentine's Day the ladies of Ketchup With Us (Mel & Michele) they have asked us to share in 57 words or less about something or someone we are embarrassed to love. A Guilty Pleasure. Without further ado.

Oh how I love thee (although I have never been there…)
 Correction, Oh how I love reality TV shows that take place in your fine state. 
The Sweet sounds of Troy Landry. The  wisdom of Uncle Si. 
 Thank You History Channel for introducing me to these fine gentlemen.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Ketchup With Us #10

In 57 words or less, tell us about WHO (or WHAT) 
you go head to head with every day.

Lack. of. Time.
I am up at the butt crack of early and in bed late.
Never get what I need or want to get done, done.
Example: I am writing this 10 minutes before the submission deadline.

Ketchup With Us

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Ketchup with Us #9

Happy New Year! and Welcome to the 1st Ketchup of 2013! 

Thanks to Mel & Michele for putting forth their writing challenges.  

This time they have challenged us to share 
In 57 words or less, tell us the New Year's resolution you 
want to make but know you'll break.

Without further ado.

 It is my friend and enemy. 
This year as I return to work after being off for 11 weeks. I resolve to NOT snack out of boredom. 
Oh and if I must snack it should be things that are healthy for me. 
Good bye to my drawer full of chocolate. 
Drink more water. Eat more fruit.